Friday, 20 September 2013

More Work from the last Artwalk

Gemma Seltzer came on the last walk and made this drawing at the stop, it was a great day and it is always fascinating to see how many different approaches people have to the same place. Do people vote for more Artwalks next year?

Monday, 9 September 2013


Anja Eichen made this piece just out of paper making creases to represent one of the trees within the triangular earthwork. A good artist can improvise and use what is around them. 
I have many more examples of this to follow. Trees provide inspiration and materials all we need is to spend some time with them.

Saturday, 7 September 2013


This picture made by Suke has that strange duality, that even though the colour is very obviously false,  there is only a secondary realisation that there has been an inversion from green to red.
The last Artwalk lingers with me as a hot day and this image matches that feeling.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Nick Joubinaux Made this image of an oak with a heart shaped hole in it during the last Artwalk. It is one of the fire damaged trees within the triangular shaped earthwork on Ashtead common. This is a place I always want to stop and sit or draw when I am walking the commons. It has had a drastic haircut so it is a bit bald at the moment.
I hope to be back there soon.

Sunday, 1 September 2013


We had a great turnout today 16 humans and one Bailey. Bailey especially enjoyed the day, meeting other dogs and generally being well behaved and even adding to the talking bits by barking at the right time. There was a lot to talk about, and some wonderful drawings were made, which I will post up next week, after a bit of a rest. Thanks to all who came.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Woodcock corner, a place that is at the boundary between Epsom and Ashtead commons, Newton wood and fields to the North. When I get to this point on my walks there is a feeling of arrival and immersion. I can't explain it, but it is like diving into cold clear water, both familiar and strange.
It is called Woodcock corner because they used to shoot them there, so now there are none, strange how that happens.
It isn't long now till the last Artwalk on the 1st of September, see you there

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Before I set off to Epsom common I always look out of my kitchen window,  this morning our local crows were perching on the scaffolding, occasionally diving off and letting the updraft lift them back up. As I made this picture a pigeon came past and in the very top corner of the frame a seagull was turning West and screeching at the morning.
I prefer to make pictures from a distance of animals, I expect they are fed up of having long lenses pointed at them all the time.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

The caterpillar of the Cinnabar Moth eating away at yellow Ragwort, Epsom Common

The caterpillar of the Cinnabar Moth eating away at yellow Ragwort, they brazenly flout their waring yellow and black markings, which I think potential predators read as 'I am poisonous, don't eat me'
They become a black moth with red wing markings, If I was a moth I would love to be dart shaped, and decked out in black and red. As the goths of the moth world they dress in black and fly in the day despite the sun.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Drawing by Sarah Anderson 2013 made as we walked through Epsom common high and low meadow

 Sarah Anderson 2013

We walked through Epsom common's high and low meadow on to Woodcock corner, along the edge of Newton Wood to Ashtead common and within the Triangular earthwork, where I always think time stands still, or at least doesn't sprint past, we drew. Sarah Anderson made this drawing of one of the ancient oaks. There was a fire in this area in the 80s and all the trees are charred.
There is a timelessness to Sarah's drawing, made with pencil and some water, quite beautiful.

Friday, 2 August 2013


The more I visit Epsom & Ashtead commons the more I realise that it is time that is of importance to me and hence to this residency. The privilege of simply walking a familiar route, and is nearly always the same route that I walk, taking my own sweet time and seeing the changes in the plants, the animals and the trees, it is enough for me. I feel a pressure to make something, a photograph or a drawing, but it is enough surely just to be in a space.
To prove that I do make something here is a photo of a Meadow brown butterfly on a thistle.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013


katrina Naomi, Oil Pastels on paper

Katrina Naomi, a poet, responded to one of the dead trees within the triangular pre-historic earthwork on Ashtead Common with this startling piece, which is an oppositional affirmation of life, with it's vibrant colours and inherent energy.


Christine Nicholls, Epsom Tree, pencil on paper

Sunday was a great day for conversation, walking and drawing, and it seems that we had some very skilled artists along, Chrissie made this elegant piece of work in less than 15 minutes, quite something.

Monday, 29 July 2013


Yesterday we had almost the perfect weather for the second Artwalk of 2013, the showers typically only came when we sat down to eat or draw, the rest of the time sun and some light winds accompanied our progress. The sun has bleached the coulour out of the grasses revealing spiders webs full of seeds and grass hoppers clinging to stems.

Some very impressive drawings were made before the rain, and I hope the artists involved may upload their work over the next few weeks. For me the conversations we had were the highlight of the day.
Walking, conversation and art, a perfect day.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Thanks to Arts News - spreading the word about Art Walks 28.07.13

Not only have Arts Council England been a fundamental partner in funding the development of my residency on Epsom & Ashtead Common this summer.

Arts News has been spreading the word about Art Walks via their website promoting all the latest Arts Jobs & Arts News across the UK

Follow this link to see their latest post about Art Walks

Follow Arts News on Twitter @arts_news

Thursday, 25 July 2013


Today I rediscovered a familiar shelter off the summer horse ride, it looks as if it had been recently added to. With the good weather more people are on the common and the kids often add branches to these unofficial shelters that occur all over the wooded areas.
preparations for the second Artwalk are all in place and I hope to see you on Sunday at 11am, weather should be better than the first walk, so bring some water and food and a hat.

Monday, 22 July 2013


It wasn't long into my walk onto the common last Friday when I spotted this small tortoiseshell butterfly. The sun seems to bring out more butterflies on the lower meadow and this hot snap has proved to be particularly productive. I have been preparing for my trip to the Czech Republic in August, and this trip down to Epsom has helped me to get away from the computer and just walk all day.
Brown Ringlet butterflies seem to occur all over the commons too, but prefer the long grass to settle on and open their wings.

Thursday, 11 July 2013


I have had some great news, having applied for a place as one of the lead artists on a 'Wild residency' in the North of the Czech republic, I got a yes over the weekend. An amazing opportunity to work with 20 other artists from Europe and the rest of the world in North Bohemia, but it will be over the time of the last Artwalk, so we have re scheduled it to the 
1st of September.
Sorry if you were planning to come to that walk, but I hope that you can make it to the new date. Above is a picture of the jays feather that Ben found on the Artwalk in June, which now seems a long time ago.
Ben Hallifax's photo of the Adders Vertebrae we found on Low Meadow.

Monday, 24 June 2013


We had a good turn out on Sunday despite the rain, which started on cue at 11 as we met to start the walk. A big thank you all those who came along. We found what I think was a snake skeleton, well the vertebra anyway. We saw the terrapins in the great pond, and had a chance to draw at the earthwork on Ashtead common.
This is Ben Halifax's drawing, made with pencil and some charcoal (which Liz found) from a burnt tree, so it is a drawing of a tree, made on paper from a tree with charcoal also from a tree.
Someone looks pleased with themselves.

Saturday, 22 June 2013


Tomorrow is the first artwalk of 2013, and it feels like it has been quite a journey to this point, we have had a lot of support from local organisations, thanks to Anna B Sexton, and I hope this means that we will get a good turn out. The weather will I think be OK with some rain when we are in the forest areas, we will meet the curious cows of high pasture I'm sure, they are quite curious about humans and quite gentle too.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013


I have re-written the script for the Artwalks. This year they it will be different. Boundaries and difference will still be a theme, but I will be concentrating more on walking and the effect it has on our ability to see and experience the world, to be...
'in the moment'
I know that this is a cliche, but there is a reason why cliches are repeated.
I have never seen a stag beetle on the commons, but on a warm summers evening every year in our garden when they would fly holding themselves vertically and scare everyone.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Adder searching

Adder Skeleton Horton Country Park
Natural History Museum

Spent a lot of time on Thursday walking quietly around High Meadow, avoiding the cattle, hoping to see an Adder basking in the sun. My only reward was being warmed by the sun and some exercise. When not actually looking for snakes I had previously seen a tail disappear into the grass at the edge of the track next to this meadow, I thought my luck might be in as the sun has returned. Now having read that they hunt mostly 
at dusk, I will try later in the day next time.
In the great little museum in the Horton Country Park I photographed the 'Adder Skeleton' they have there. Although it looks like the skin was left on and either there was a disintegration situation or water got in, to leave this amazing scene.
In an adjacent cabinet the remains of a shrew caught in a plastic drinks bottle shows how we have unwanted effects on animals.


Holstein cattle that are brought onto the commons to help to re-create the Lowland Heath habitat that once was everywhere on the commons. 

When a huge proportion of the population worked in the agricultural sector and animals were routinely grazed over the area, there were less trees and I imagine 
a lot of mud in the winter. But also quite a different more 'work a day' feel to the place.
The uninhabited feel is one of the qualities I cherish.

On Wednesday I realised why I went to a lot of trouble to be able to spend more time here. Just walking on the commons is intrinsically valuable and I learn more every time I go. Even day to day as the weather changes you see different things. The time spent with the cattle reminds me how gentle and inquisitive they are. I got a lick and a sniff from these two, who are a bit bolder than the rest.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Spring arriving with some power

Soon the weather will be OK for a proper explore of the Commons once again. I missed the bank holiday sun as I was involved in an exhibition up in Queen's Park. In fact I have been busy with upwards of 4 exhibitions, one in Birmingham, they have all been fun to involved in, but it has meant that I haven't been down to Epsom for a couple of weeks. I can't wait to see the changes as Spring has come with some power.
I have been reading mark Rowland's book , 'Running with the Pack' and although the 'Artwalks' are definitely walks, it has given me food for thought as a lot of his musings apply to walking as well.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Arts Council Logo

So here it is, I think it was worth the effort and it will certainly help with the promotion of the art walks and the residency

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Arts Council Funding

Well it is arms in the air time, because the Arts Council have said yes to the grant application I made and I will be getting the money in May to promote and pay for this residency and the three Artwalks.
I will be able to pay Anna B Sexton to promote the walks and will be able to afford alll the little extras that I know make a big difference to the experience of people on the walks.
Watch this space for the ACE logo and more photos and information.

Friday, 29 March 2013

The Weather

With the strangest of cold snaps still making being outside quite uncomfortable I have still not ventured down to the Commons. I am hoping that the next few weeks will allow for a visit, meanwhile the crows, emboldened by the cold are visiting the roof below my kitchen window.
Oh yes and here's hoping the Arts Council say yes because I don't think I have the patients to do another application.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

As the winter weather runs and runs and I realise I haven't been down to the common for a month, I am contemplating re-applying for a 'Grants for the Arts' grant. Yes they said no again, but I will take account of their feedback and get it back in there, I started my dissertation at Chelsea a good 6 months early and that was really the only reason I finished it and did OK for a dyslexic, so determined doggedness pays off.
Wish me luck.

The photo is of Joe Easman's drawing made on a warm day (remember them) in 2012

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

I have visited Alison Clarke at Surrey Arts and we have a strategy for moving forward, and I have some leads to follow up with artists who may be interested and some possible funding sources too. I have to wait a few weeks again to find out if the Arts Council will fund the 'Artwalks' in 2013. I am optimistic, as the advantage of the rolling 'Grants for the arts' means that you can take on their feedback and re-apply, so long as you have enough time before your project starts. I am getting some help already with promotion from Epsom & Ewell borough council which is great.

Monday, 28 January 2013

It seems as if my arts council application for funding wasn't successful due to the volume of applications, so I have asked for feedback and resubmitted today, so fingers crossed once more. I have been throwing ideas of a map of the boundaries on the commons and have come up with this.

I am going to try an all drawing solution as well